So most of you know that we have a new baby in the house, a clumsy footed yellow lab mix we call Abi. It all started with hubby. One day he headed into town and saw 3 puppies on the side of the road, obviously just dumped off. He was afraid they would be hit by traffic so he brought them home. They were adorable and how anyone could just dump them off was beyond us. We found homes for all 3 within a week thanks to the power of Facebooking friends reposting their story.
Since then we’ve helped home a few more until a few weeks ago when hubby went visiting his mother a few towns over. There under his mother’s carport lay a very scared, very skinny Abi, just waiting on hubby’s good heart to take her home. I couldn’t believe how pitiful she looked when he brought her in. You could easily see her ribs and hip bones and she was covered in huge fleas. She ate like it was her last meal and then we quickly gave her a bath to get rid of those fleas. We thought once she gets fattened up and learns to trust us, we’d be able to find her a home as well. That is… until she grew on us. Or shall I say “me”? She won me over with that sweet face and good nature so it looks like she’s here to stay. Here’s Abi’s story in pictures.

Starving and skinny, her tail never stopped wagging.

She was so sad.. her right ear so eaten by fleas, the fur was coming off.

A very wet but clean Abi on her first night here. She looked terrified!

Abi today..happy and full of squeaky bone.

I wuff you mama.. now take the picture already.

She still carries a few signs from her life on the street, a small scar under her right eye, her taste for eating poo..yes poo, ugh, and she wants to grab up mouthfuls of her dog food and carry it off to another room to eat it. I figured this was something she had to do to survive with other dogs around. Her ears have healed nicely and she’s had her first round of shots, dewormer, flea control and heartworm meds (she was heartworm negative! woo hoo!) She’s decided she likes being an inside dog but she still has her days and nights mixed up and wakes me at 2am every night to go out. We’ve gotta work on that!